SPIN Spearhead Newtork for Innovative, Clean and Safe Cement and Concrete Technologies, ACP Science and Technology Programme

Međunarodni projekt • Dovršen projekt

Trajanje projekta: 01.11.2009. - 30.04.2013.

Nositelji projekta

Zavod/i pri Fakultetu:
Zavod za materijale

Voditelj projekta pri Fakultetu:
prof.dr.sc. Dubravka Bjegović

Institucija nositelj:
Der Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie, BAM

Voditelj projekta:
Dr. Hans-Caarsten Kuehne (BAM)


prof.dr.sc. Dubravka Bjegović

Today concrete is not yet well established in Africa, which offers the unique opportunity to build up a cement and concrete market based on the highest available state of technology. As this industry needs high level expertise, a central issue in implementation of skilled technology is cross-linking research institutions and laboratories. It should not be neglected that concrete is a product with low transport ranges. This means that an improved concrete market mainly supports the local economy without exceeding financial drains to the international market. Thus it fosters the fight against poverty, which is an urgent need in most African countries.

The SPIN project aims to cross-link experts with industry and policy making bodies, aiming to establish sustainable cement and concrete construction in Africa. The network is funded by the European Commission (EC) of which the funding scheme is the ACP Science and Technology Programme.